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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Well, I Did it AGAIN........

With a TWIST......

It was actually yesterday morning. I'll admit, I was half asleep.

A few days ago, I about had a heart attack when Sally jumped back from the headstall of the stanchion because I forgot to lock her in....

Well, Friday I go out to milk. I get her breakfast ready and open the gate so she can head to the milk stand. Usually, I toss a "pinch" of grain into the feed pan so it gains their attention while I pour the rest into the "funnel" I made so they can't "gobble" the food. At the same time, I latch the headstall. Then I set about to milk.

So, here comes Sally, who hops up on the stand, and is waiting for food. I toss the pinch in, pour the rest into the funnel, lock the headstall, and proceed to milk. All is well, even the Hoover Cats are contentedly watching (and waiting.....) all is normal until I finish. I reach up to unlock the headstall and realize that - while latched properly - Sally's neck IS NOT IN IT!

It seems she just put her head beside the stationary part of the headstall and happily ate while I milked her. Neither one of us figured out she could have jumped out any time she pleased....

I guess she is getting used to being milked and behaving better.

Me, I'm just glad I was at least awake enough to not try milking the Billy.....

Most of the day Friday, I "piddled" around in the barn. I managed to make 4 more stalls and do some other little items that needed done. Since it was a damp, rainy day, it was a good time to do it.

I keep the milk goats separate from the others at night. The area of the barn I have them in is way bigger then what they needed, so I moved a gate and did some other things so the other goats could use that part of the barn better. It was about dark when I went out to put stuff away and get everyone "situated" for the night.

This morning, I go out to milk (actually wide awake...). I turn the corner in the barn and look into the milk room. There is Sally, standing on the milk stand, waiting for breakfast....

I look over to the gate to their pens and, sure as nothing, the latch is unhooked. Annie stayed in the pen, but Sally was impatient and wanted fed. At least she didn't wander far.

Everything else went fine, except for the Hoover Cats started a fight right next to me. I guess they were making sure who would be on today's Clean-up Crew...

One of these days, I'll be able to milk without incident.

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