It's been a hot one for the past couple of weeks. A few days over 100° - and a couple of 103°+ tossed in. It's not so much the HEAT that is the killer, but we've had high humidity added into it. This all sums up to a hot, muggy day.
The animals mostly stay in the shade during the heat - although, I HAVE caught an occasional goat laying out in the hot afternoon sun. Sometimes, they ain't too bright.
The cows hoover around one of 3 or 4 trees God provided for them, eating leaves, mowing grass in the shade, or stealing apples off the tree.
I TOLD them to eat windfalls but, you KNOW how cows are.....
Belle and Chuck (the two yearling cows) have plenty of nice shade in their pasture, and even a spring to drink out of. I still provide water in a small tank, though, just in case. I did manage to borrow another tub so I wouldn't need to fill the other so often. The only problem is - it smells like goat, and the two bovine have a "goat attitude" problem. They get pestered through the fence by the goats, so turn their noses up at anything that smells like one.
I can go outside at 2:00 or 3:00 pm and find the chickens huddled under various things like the car, pickup, cattle chute, a cow, etc, etc, anywhere there is shade.
There are even a couple that are in deep, dark holes, sitting on nests.
I check in on them every day or so, but they are in a couple places that are hard to SEE into, let alone GET to. One was in such a place that decided to leave her undisturbed, and see what would happen.
Well, you know how broody hens get - NOTHING keeps them from their appointed rounds. They are more stubborn than a mailman on his route - gloom of night, snow, hail, sleet, locusts, fire, brimstone, yada, yada, yada - only WORSE. Hens usually refuse food and water, too.
Well, things were progressing nicely, this one hen in particular was well into her second week, almost "full term" - when I noticed something strange. She was sitting in a odd way, almost like the chicks were hatching, and she was making room under her feathers for them.
So, I decided it was time to crawl in there and see what I could see.
I positioned myself within "stick poke range" and proceeded to give her a nudge. To my surprise, SHE DIDN'T MOVE. I poked her 3-4 more times until she flopped over on her side - stiff as a board.
I had seen this hen the day before at about noon, and she seemed fine. It was also the day we had a heat index close to 120°, too. There's not much you can do when they refuse food and water.....
Some folks (hens, in particular.....) need to learn the difference between "dedication" and "DEADication"......
Poor little hen. With those kind of temperatures, the eggs might just hatch out anyway!