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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Poor little babies...

We've had the six Kinder milk goats for 2 weeks now. The Billy doesn't like not being able to play with the girls, but that's just too bad right now! He has his own little pasture for the moment, until I can get things arranged a little better. His women are mixing in with the "white folk" (Boer goats) rather well, he just wanted to get along with them a little TOO well.....

His children are adapting, but they fuss about it. We separate them from the two moms at night so we can milk in the morning. It sure gets LOUD in the barn when I go in and roust them all out of bed. Everyone wants fed - and wants fed NOW.

If I could get them to "sing" on cue, I'd have quite a choir going. I have a doe that could sing bass, the three new kids can sing the high notes, and the rest can fill in between...

Those kids can hit high notes FAR beyond Mariah Carey or any opera singer you can name.

I call them my "Peek-a-knees" goats (because they "peek out at your knees"). Every night I put them into a stall made from pallets. Every morning they want out (naturally) and don't care WHO knows it. They will stick their heads out between the boards of the pallet and scream for mommy to come save their lives. (I think both moms are deaf because they seem good at ignoring the kids and concentrating on getting themselves fed....)

Usually, they stick their heads out all the way up to their shoulders. I keep meaning to take a camera so I can get a good photo of this. Naturally, on the day I DO take my camera, they only stick out their noses.

I'm hoping that their voices will deepen sometime in the near future, I'm also glad I'm deaf in one ear.....

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