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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Just Piddlin'

I haven't gotten much accomplished in the past few days, I've been feeling a bit "under the weather", as they say! I did manage to work on the John Deere Model "L" Manure spreader that I have. I found a packing crate that was made out ofYellow Pine boards. There were several 2x4s, 8 1x10s and a dozen or so 1x8s. Everything was 9 feet long, so it worked out great! I don't know what came in the crate, but it was HUGE! The original wood in this model of spreader was Yellow Pine Tognue and Groove boards. Mine won't be T&G, but it will work for what it has to carry! I got all the "workings" loosened up, replaced about 150 bolts, and am about half way done with replacing the wood. I plan on sealing the inside of the spreader with oil and will paint the outside with exterior implement paint. I didn't do a full "restoration", I just did a "refurbish". It has taken me awhile, working on it "here and there", but I am at least NEARING the end. I hope to use it this spring. I know it's a John Deere, but I think I'll paint it RED!

I also had a friend come over yesterday and cut a few Hedge Posts. It was amazing, but ONE tree yielded 55 posts! This tree was 60+ feet tall, and had several arms that went out in all directions. Most of the posts are fairly straight. There are several corner posts and a lot of good 5" diameter Line posts. I know of a couple more trees that are similar, but not QUITE as large, more like 35-40 posts size! It would be something to get over 100 good posts from just 3 trees!

When we were at my wife's parents' house last month, we had some "idle" time between butchering the cow and Thanksgiving, so my BIL and I took a road trip (of only about 10 miles). Mark (BIL) had found a couple of Allis-Chalmers Rotobalers a couple of years ago, and mentioned a couple other things that the gentleman had. When we got to the place, I spotted an old One-row corn picker. This particular unit was made by David Bradley, and sold through Sears Roebuck & Company. It is especially made to mount onto a Ford 8N tractor! Mark is going to go pick it up for me this weekend and hopefully be able to bring it to Nebraska in a week or two. It has been stored inside a shed for several years since the man retired, so it is in good shape. I told a neighbor about it and he told me that his dad had one back in the 50's. He said that he had SEVERAL hours using one behind the 8N his dad had. Since I can't find much information about it, he said he would tell me anything I wanted to know! I'd still like to scrounge up a manual for it, though!


  1. David Bradley picker?????????? cool!! never saw one! we had a wood bros. 1-row before dad got the Deere 226 2-row mounted on a 36 A tractor!!post/send me a pic. of it when you get a chance! thanks; sonny

  2. Hey!! them big trees CAN cut out LOTS of posts!!--some good ones too! Used to do that before we made the farm switch,--NOW just trying to get rid of a half mile of the stuff, before the wind-farm gets ready to put in the generators, and access drives! thanks; sonny
